薄皮软面千层肉饼 Layered Meat Pies | 外酥内软 凉了也不硬 | 不用发面 省时简单 | 尚食厨房

牛肉馅饼 Beef pies 做馅饼比较关键的是和面,面水配比,水的温度都比较重要,这是我次次成功的配方。 The key to this recipe is in the ratio of flour and water as well as the temperature of the water! This recipe will help you succeed every time. You can use beef, pork or chicken for the ground meat, and you can also adjust the seasonings yourself 过去我做馅饼,总是先包成一个包子,然后褶儿朝下压扁,美中不足的是中间总有个面疙瘩,自从学会了另外一种方法,我叫它折叠法,就再也不用过去的方法了。看下面的馅饼,皮薄得像纸一样,而且非常均匀,烙熟以后口感极佳,软中带脆,绝对不会有嚼面疙瘩的感觉。 牛肉可用其他肉代替(猪肉、鸡肉),调料根据自己的口味调节。 #尚食厨房 #shangshikitchen 我的常用好物: Disclaimer: I will earn small commissions from Amazon Associates Program for qualifying purchases. 老北京系列美食 Beijing Snack Series: 尚食私房菜 Shangshi Kitchen: 早餐 Breakfast: 烘培 Baking recipes: 中式面点 Chinese Pastry: 一碗拿手面 Signature Noodles:
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