Stalker: Zaebis’ Mods

Become a sponsor and help me pay transport tickets - Please share this video if you liked it! Helps a ton. This is it. My final big Stalker video. Why? I just grew tired of the franchise and have no more ideas for a big video, thats pretty much it. I do have ideas for 2 small projects though. It’s been awesome to be recognized in the stalker community, not going to lie. Now I’m just hoping that Stalker 2 will have enough content or modding support for me to make more content for you guys. Until we meet again! MODS USED: 1. xrMPE This is probably one of my favorite mods so far. It promises a lot and so far only delivered wave defence mode, but I’m hoping that the team will manage to implement free roam and co-op missions with friends. 2. Left 2 Die Very questionable mod. I remember author saying that it was a complete new *game*, but then I saw a lot of ripped content from other games. It p
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