Tombejour - Music and Ambience - 6 Hours Medieval Music for Sleep and Relaxing

Tombejour is a small town at the door of the Carnholt forest. It is said to have been built on holy grounds. Old toumbstones litter the ground and regular offering are made to them by the inhabitants ot protect themselves from the old evil lurking in the forest. This toumbstone take the shape of the cross of Dianthor, a demigod said to have emprisoned the apostate-king in the forest. The town is quite rich despite it’s appearence. The black carnation, a flower used for alchemy that can only be found in the forest is the main source of profit in the town. The town often need to hire mercenaries to hunt the abomination that prey upon humans. ******************************************************************************* ⛄☃❄ Listen and feel, This is not just a relaxing video. This is a story told using music and environmental sounds. Listen and imagine your story. A fresh start for my channel. I hope everyone will like this. I want to create a channel about new adventures. Discover new things with music. ⛄☃❄
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