American scrap metal drive for the war materials production effort (1942)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Citizens add their contribution to a mound of scrap an old plane is also donated to the home defense effort Full Description: USA: EXT AEROPLANES, American. 1918 plane for scrap in Philadelphia AMERICA, Naval New aircraft carrier Lexington launched by Mrs. Theodore from her namesake see . SCRAP. 1918 plane used for scrap at Philadelphia United States of America; Home Front World War II, WWII, recycle, shortages, resources, aircraft, metals, Background: Citizens add their contribution to a mound of scrap an old plane is also donated to the home defense effort FILM ID: VLVA9YWM4X0SGT6Y1EGBA5TZIDBUL To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters
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