VR WIP UPDATE IL-2 Cliffs of Dover Blitz/Desert Wings Tobruk

Hi All, We are exited to release out first VR WIP update. We hope our community enjoys with this update as we are to present it to you. We will be introducing a number of great features that will not only make the VR experience enjoyable, but also very immersive for the player/ As always, we are keen to hear the thoughts of out community as we move ever closer to VR Beta testing! Extra information now covered in the video: VR is now working in both cockpit and external views. Players will have unlimited motion outside of the aircraft, enabling them to complete visual inspections of before take off and after landing. This will be optional. Spiral tracers effects are perfect. Smoke from self-destructing shells give a really good 3D perspective when passing through them. With VR distance immersion, the Tobruk desert map really get its whole dimension. We are halfway through the implementation of mini map, info windows and UI screens in the VR display. Regards, TFS Team
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