ENG)习近平罕见分享大量访美趣事,演讲赢得中美嘉宾阵阵掌声/美国友好团体联合欢迎宴会/Xi Jinping/US Friendship Groups Joint Welcome Banquet

地时间11月15日晚,国家主席习近平在美国旧金山出席美国友好团体联合举行的欢迎宴会并发表重要演讲,生动讲述中美友好交往历史,回顾与多位美国友人的深厚情谊,指出中美关系的根基是由人民浇筑的,中美关系的大门是由人民打开的,中美关系的故事是由人民书写的,中美关系的未来是由人民创造的,强调中美双方要汇聚起两国人民的力量,赓续中美友谊,推进中美关系,努力为促进世界和平和发展作出更大贡献。 习近平主席的重要演讲深深打动了出席欢迎宴会的美国友人。美国友人们纷纷对本报记者表示,习近平主席的演讲饱含深情,道出了两国关系发展的根基所在和未来方向。两国人民友好交往历史悠久,友好合作基础深厚,双方应共同为两国人民加强交往搭建更多桥梁、铺设更多道路,推动美中友谊代代相传。 On the evening of November 15, local time, President Xi Jinping attended a welcome banquet jointly held by American friendship groups in San Francisco, USA, and delivered an important speech. He vividly recounted the history of friendly exchanges between China and the United States, reviewed the profound friendship with many American friends, and pointed out that China-U.S. relations The foundation of Sino-US relations was laid by the people, the door of Sino-US relations was opened by the people, the story of Sino-US relations was written by the people, and the future of Sino-US relations was created by the people, emphasizing that China and the United States must bring together the two countries The power of the people will continue to sustain Sino-US friendship, advance Sino-US relations, and strive to make greater contributions to promoting world peace and development. President Xi Jinping’s important speech deeply moved the American friends who attended the welcome banquet. American friends have told our reporter that President Xi Jinping’s speech was full of affection and revealed the foundation and future direction of the development of bilateral relations. The two peoples have a long history of friendly exchanges and a profound foundation for friendly cooperation. Both sides should work together to build more bridges and pave more roads for the two peoples to strengthen exchanges and promote the friendship to be passed down from generation to generation. 习近平罕见分享大量访美趣事,演讲赢得中美嘉宾阵阵掌声/习近平美国友好团体联合欢迎宴会/Xi Jinping/US Friendship Groups Joint Welcome Banquet
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