RAF pilots demonstrate new Hurricane II fighter in mock action with Luftwaffe Junkers (1941)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The British fighter Hurricane II exceeds German bomber in display of maneuverability and firepower Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The New Hurricane In Action ENGLAND: EXT AEROPLANES . AND NAVAL PLANES. New 4 cannon Hurricane goes flying shots of Hurricane and Junkers 88 pilot at combat in in action. AEROPLANES GERMAN. Pilot at controls GUNS. New Hurricane 4 Cannon Fighter guns in mock action w. Junkers 88 & British pilot at controls Airforce - Active Hawker, airplane, Royal Air Force, World War II, WW II, aircraft, MK II, Ju 88, Background: The British fighter Hurricane II exceeds German bomber in display of maneuverability and firepower FILM ID: VLVABK8IH0195Y9L5OKDH3ZE5DJ7V To license this film, visi
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