Józef Zeidler (1744-1806) - Litania in F

★ Follow music ► Composer: Józef Zeidler (1744-1806) Work: Litania in F Performers: Agniezkа Boschenek-Osieckа (soprano); Justynа DyIа (mezzosoprano); AIeksаndra Poniszowskа (mezzosoprano); Lukаz Nowаk (tenor); JarosIаw KitаIa (bass); Acаdemia deII’Arcаdiа; Cаmerаtа SiIesiа; Annа Szostаk (conductor) Painting: Marcin Zaleski (1796-1877) - Plac Krasinskich z kosciolem Pijarów (1830) Further info: --- Józef Zeidler (Zaydler, Zeydler) (1744 - 4 April 1806) Composer and musician. Apart from the beginning and the end of his life (1744-1806), very little is known about Jozef Zeidler. Around 17...75 he arrived in Gostyń, where he became a member of the band at the Philippine monastery in Święta Góra. There was a prolific composer numbering over 30 compositions, including 7 masses (including Pastoral Mass with Polish Christmas carol motifs), requiem, 5 vespers, 11 litanies, 6 motets, pastorales. The manuscripts of his works from 1774-94 have been preserved in the collections of the monastery in Gostyń, the archives of parishes in Poznań and Grodzisk and the cathedral in Gniezno, as well as the archives of the Jasna Góra monastery in Częstochowa. Zeidler’s compositions, written mainly for vocal-instrumental ensembles in a concert style, were known and performed often at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries by numerous church bands in Poland.
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