КОНТРАКТНЫЕ ЗАПЧАСТИ НА ЯПОНСКИЕ АВТО ВСЕ ВОПРОСЫ: -Двигателя -АКПП -МКПП -Кузовщина -Поиск ваших вариантов - тюненые двс: JZ RB под заказ C Японии Продажа: МОТОЦИКЛОВ ОТЗЫВЫ продажа авто ПОДРОБНОСТИ: This has to be one of the craziest recoveries we have ever seen. This black XP 1000 rolled on the bounty hill at Hawk Pride Offroad park. He got stuck between some trees and the only way the could figure out how to flip it back over was push it down the hill and roll it again. Well that didn’t work either and they flipped it a few more times before it finally landed right side up.
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