The human body is always surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field, more commonly understood as “vibes“ “aura“ or “energy“ Here are some ways to create an energy field for health and protection: Visualization You can create an energy shield through visualization. You can imagine a cobalt-blue egg, circle of love, or roses surrounding you. You can also imagine a beam of light from a higher power cleansing and energizing you. Breath work You can inhale cosmic light to cleanse and energize you, and exhale any unwanted energy, stress, or negativity. You can also draw the energies of each organ back to their origin. Create a list You can make a list of where you may have energy leakages, such as a draining relationship or an addiction to your phone. You can commit to releasing at least one thing from your life. Palm stretching You can slowly open and close your palms to grow the electric sensation between your palms. Set boundarie
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