Nad Branikom na Goriškem stoji grad Rihemberk, eden najmogočnejših in najstarejših na Slovenskem. Označuje nekdaj starteško točko prehoda med Vipavsko dolino in Krasom, med celino in morjem. Danes predvsem stik dveh zanimivih pokrajin, ki vabita na obisk. Vabljeni na grad Rihemberk!
Above Branik stands the Castle of Rihemberk, one of the mightiest and oldest in Slovenia. It marks a historically strategic point of passage between the Vipava Valley and the Karst, between the continent and the sea. Nowadays, represents a contact of two interesting landscapes that invite you to visit them. Welcome to the Castle of Rihemberk!
Hvala / Thank you:
Mestna občina Nova Gorica, Arctur, Project Restaura, Aleksander Grum, Nataša Kolenc, Dejan Šuc, Dejan Brilj, Mateja Nikolić, Sebastjan Pustovrh, Bojana Čibej, Robert Cotič, Diego Bigatton, Alan Leban, Erik Žnideršič, Stojan Brešan, Sonja Jež, Jurij Franče
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2 years ago 00:04:00 1
Grad Rihemberk: Predstavitev za investitorje 2019 (SLO)