秋老虎退散!寒露多吃它,養陰又補虛The autumn tiger retreats! Cold dew eats it more, nourishes deficiency

寒露是今年第一個帶「寒」的節氣。今天過後,秋露會越來越重,氣溫也越來越低。溫度降低後秋燥的現象會愈發明顯,食欲也漸漸變好,降燥潤肺和增強體質就變得格外重要。 秋季的栗子有腎之果的美稱,多吃栗子能補腎氣,強筋骨,豐富的澱粉和碳水化合物能抵禦嚴寒。五花肉含有豐富的優質蛋白質,有養陰補虛、生津止渴的功效。栗子和肉在一起養胃健脾又補腎強筋。Hanlu is this year’s first solar term with the character “han”, which means cold in Chinese. After today, the temperature will become lower and lower, and we will feel dryer and dryer. We will also regain our appetite. So it’s important to reduce inner dryness and tone up. Autumn chestnuts are praised as kidney fruits as they can nourish our kidneys and improve our health. Their rich starch and carbohydrates can help us resist coldness. And marbled pork also contains rich high-quality protein. They form a perfect combination for nourishing our stomach and spleen, and improving our health.
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