A psychological voyage into the domains of Evil, Healing, and Heroism by prof. Philip G. Zimbardo

Lecture organized by the HSE University on April 7, 2021, Saint Petersburg, Russia Abstract: The presentation takes participants on a unique journey starting with confronting the faces and facades of EVIL. Notably, we will visit the situational evil that emerged in the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment (it’s 50th anniversary is upcoming). We will briefly explore two unique lines of research that emerged from the SPE — the psychology of Shyness and of Time Perspective. Both domains did not exist in our field prior to my investigations. An emergent phenomenon from investigating the nature of shyness was my developing a new form of treatment, a healing approach that proved to be 100% effective! Finally, we turn to reflect upon the nature of everyday heroism and the origins of my educational training center, the Heroic Imagination Process (HIP). HIP is having a global reach across a dozen nations as part of its mission of creating a new youth generation who are ready and willing to stand up, speak out, and mak
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