Rokia Traoré - Tu Voles

Performance 1 July 2017 In all her six albums, Rokia Traoré experiments with all kinds of music styles while at the same time keeping in touch with the cultural treasures of Africa. Due to the fact that she has lived in Europe, the Middle East and the US during her youth, she has been exposed to a wide variety of influences. She hears a completely unusual sound palette, proving in an impressive way that Africa has many faces, that modernity and sense of tradition are not contradictory to each other. Her trademark is the combination of African rhythm with European songwriting. Conventional African rhythms will never be heard of her. She says, “That’s what other musicians can do much better. There’s the Wassoulou style of Oumou Sangaré, the mandingo world of Salif Keita, the griot music that I love that I respect but I do not want to copy. Music is contemporary. I’m a new generation and have a new look at Africa and our music. In 2009, Rokia decided to return to Bamako with
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