Wavell Speech (1948)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. London. General view of Tower of London. Field Marshall, Earl Archibald Wavell, walking to centre of Tower Green. Pan with Archibald Wavell as he walks. Earl Wavell stops in front of microphones and salutes for ’General Salute.’ Long shot of ceremony of appointing Earl Wavell the Tower Constable. Close up shot of Lord Wavell. Crowd watching. Troops ’order arms.’ Major of the Tower, Colonel E. H. Carkeet-James, reading the King’s letter appointing Lord Wavell as Constable. Major of the Tower speaking (natural sound). Close up shot of Lord Wavell listening. Lord Chamberlain, Earl of Clarendon, presenting Wavell with keys on cushion. Close up shot of keys being presented. Back view, Chelsea pensioner watching. Lord Wavell holding cushion with keys. Ceremony with fanfare of trumpets. Crowd watching. Chief Warder of the Tower, Mr A. H. Cook, carrying the keys on cushion, followed by Lord Wavell. Possibly connected with 48/46 - MD. FILM ID:
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