BIGGEST Statues In The World!

The largest statues on Earth! What is the world’s tallest statue of a woman? Where can you find the largest, gilded depictions of Buddhas? #11 Grand Buddha at Ling Shan Ranking in just outside of the top ten of the world’s largest statues is the Grand Buddha located in the Chinese city of Wuxi [woo-see]. Like many of the statues on this list, this monument is an ode to a great Buddhist figure. Resembling the celestial buddha known as Amitabha [ah-mih-tah-bah], the 700-ton bronze being measures 289 feet tall. It was erected on a 30 foot sculpture of a lotus flower at the top of a gorgeous, 217-step staircase, surrounded on all sides by scenic forested hills. The Grand Buddha was unveiled to the public in 1996 and has enjoyed visitation from tourists ever since. In 2008, a pair of palaces were built to the south-east, giving visitors to the region one more reason to experience this colossal Buddha in person. #10 Awaji [ah-wah-jee] Kannon [kan-non] Looming over the Japanese town o
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