Dødsferd - II: The Red Lake of Your Innocence (Official Video) - Black Metal (Greece) 2021 FYC Records)

This is the official Video for the song “Suicide and the Rest of Your Kind will follow: The Red Lake of Your Innocence“ taken from the upcoming new album of Dødsferd, the second part of “Suicide and the Rest of Your Kind will Follow“. Video created by the mastermind of VisionBlack, Nikolaos Stavridakis!!! All artwork created by one of the greatest dark artists of extreme and anti-massive art, Georgios Gyzis (aka Bacchus of Grab)! Wrath’s Photos by the talented photographer Giorgos Balantinakis. Recently signed to Fucking Your Creation Records, the label has announced the release of the second part of this soul destroying album till the end of the year on various formats. On August 10th, of 2021, the album will be released in digital format through the band’s official bandcamp page (). Rest of formats along with merch will follow later this year! Music and Lyrics were written
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