PNSO has done it.
Many people have wanted a good Zhuchengtyrannus for a long time, and what better company to deliver it than this Chinese company, who have consistently given us a mix of fauna sought after by the general public, but also the more obscure ones that could not appeal to more than a small number of enthusiasts.
Although known only from two pieces of bone, Zhuchengtyrannus is an interesting study in the naming and nomination of new genera from just a few diagnostic features, and all on the maxilla to boot.
Still, that has not stopped PNSO bringing their usual best to this en
...igmatic tyrannosaurid, with their usual detail and a welcome change in colour palette trumpeting its debut. This model has some of the best detail as well as pose of many of the tyrannosaurids in my collection, and I welcome it, maxilla and all, into the fold.
Dr David Hone blog article “Notes on the taxonomy and identity of Zhuchengtyrannus”Show more