Масла и сервис G-Energy сдали тест на бездорожье и экстремальные нагрузки Silk Way Rally 2022

G-Energy oils and service passed the off-road and extreme load test of the 2022 Silk Way Rally One of the most difficult rally raids of the world, the Silk Way Rally, has finished in Moscow. The off-road route from Astrakhan and via the North Caucasus included 10 legs and the rally competitors recognize it as one of the most difficult in the race history. Technical support at all extremely challenging stages was provided by a mobile laboratory and experts from Gazpromneft-Lubricants, and the rally itself became a testing ground for G-Energy engine and transmission oils. The off-road race took place over 10 days and included such challenging surfaces as dunes, dirt, rocks and fesh fesh – a fine sand. The speed at the special stages reached 140 kilometers per hour. A serious test for all categories of competitors – from motorcycles to trucks – was the air temperature, reaching 50⁰C. The mechanics and engineers of the teams received technical assistance from G-Energy experts in order t
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