Rambo Amadeus - Vatrogasci ( 🧑🚒 techno remix 2010) #ramboamadeus #vatrogasci #techno
Tehno remix istoimene pjesme sa albuma Hipishizik Metafizik. Remixed By Dominator, Trut, Rasmc, Jakov viedo editing
Mi smo vatrogasci, mi gasimo vatru
Izlažemo puno za malu platu
Bez obzira jel’ neko zapalio naftu
Kriminalcu jahtu il metan u šahtu
Požare, žena se pali
Komšinica loži, a ko će da gasi?
Urednik žari, spiker se pali
Tonac loži, a ko će da gasi?
Mi smo vatrogasci, mi gasimo vatru
Izlažemo puno za malu platu
Bez obzira jel’ neko zapalio naftu
Kriminalcu jahtu il metan u šahtu
Fabrikant žari, kreator se pali
Manekenke se lože, a ko će da gasi?
Kandidat žari, stranka se pali
Glasači lože, a ko će da gasi?
Mi smo vatrogasci, mi gasimo vatru
Izlažemo puno za malu platu
Bez obzira jel’ neko zapalio naftu
Kriminalcu jahtu il metan u šahtu
Šta to ljude toliko loži
Šta im simboločki predstavlja vatra
Pitao sam jednom u kafani moga druga, vrsnog psihijatra
Tad čovek u nama se plaši
Kad noćas samo TV izveznosti mraka
Jer još nije otrkrio kremen kamen
Nije provalio kako se pravi plamen
Kad se samo gledalo
Nisu provaljeni ni pismo ni žarka
Zato je to interesantno pitanje jer nema preciznih podataka
Mi smo vatrogasci, mi gasimo vatru
Izlažemo puno za malu platu
Bez obzira jel’ neko zapalio naftu
Kriminalcu jahtu il metan u šahtu
Holesterol & Rock n Roll by Rambo Amadeus:
Fela kruti, druže stari by Rambo Amadeus:
Euro Neuro by Rambo Amadeus:
Firemen (Vatrogasci)
We are firemen, we extinguish fire
We risk a lot, and earn a little
No matter if someone has burned oil,
A gangster’s yacht or methane in manhole
The wife turns on, the neighbor goes on,
But who will turn it off?
A director burns, the newsreader sets alight,
The recordist turns on,
But who will turn it off?
We are firemen, we extinguish fire
We risk a lot, and earn a little
No matter if someone has burned oil,
A gangster’s yacht or methane in manhole
A manufacturer burns, the fashion designer sets alight,
Models turn on,
But who will turn it off?
A candidate burns, the party sets alight,
The voters turn on,
But who will turn it off?
We are firemen, we extinguish fire
We risk a lot, and earn a little
No matter if someone has burned oil,
A gangster’s yacht or methane in manhole
What is it that makes people burn so easily?
What does fire stand for symbolically?
Once, while in a bistro, I asked this question a friend of mine, a distinguished psychiatrist,
“The primitive savage in us is afraid of coldness, loneliness, unfathomable darkness,
Because one still hasn’t figured out flint stone, one hasn’t made out how to make flame
This is why it is an interesting issue, because there is no reliable data...“
We are firemen, we extinguish fire
We risk a lot, and earn a little
No matter if someone has burned oil,
A gangster’s yacht or methane in manhole
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7 months ago 00:07:56 1
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