Hydlide (NES) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

The Legend of Zelda, one of the most revolutionary games of it’s time. Pretty much bringing the adventure genre into existence, it was a masterpiece of it’s time. But, one game with a similar structure TECHNICALLY came out first. On the PC, none the less. Hydlide, released in 1984 by T&E Soft, however, teaches gamers one valuable thing; just because it came first doesn’t make it better. The version reviewed here is the NES port from 1989 . Watch as James Rolfe/AVGN experiences the horror himself, and see if you can bear it too. Some of the worst things in this game include NO ATTACK BUTTON, awful music, lousy gameplay, blocky graphics, basically everything that can go wrong with a video game goes wrong in Hydlide. If video games could make you vomit, Hydlide would do that to you. Take our word, it’s that bad. This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 86 Subscribe:
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