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“Dacii și noi“ (Dacians and us) is a Romanian patriotic song about Dacians. The writer of this song is unknown.
In Antiquity, Dacia was a country inhabited by Dacians, they occupied a territory between: the Tisa River (west), the Dniester River and the Black Sea (east), the Danube (south) and the Wooded Carpathians (north). In certain parts they even exceeded these borders: to the east across the Dniester, “advancing to the Bug“, and to the west, “they reached the Pannonian Danube“. The Dacian kingdom reached its greatest extent during the reign of King Burebista. He was the first king who successfully unified all the tribes of the Kingdom (44 AD).
The last king of Dacia was Decebalus (87-106 AD). He committed suicide after the second Daco-Roman war to avoid being captured by the Roman
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