Adam Webster - Interplay for Tuba (2021) [Score-Video]

Adam Webster - Interplay for Tuba (2021) Josh Allen, tuba Program Note: This piece for solo tuba revolves around two contrasting ideas. The first is a very quick and agitated motif based on an octatonic scale; the second is a slow, angular melody which mainly revolves around minor second intervals and large leaps. These ideas are initially presented in a fragmentary fashion, often with long rests in between them, and frequent time signature changes also contribute to a general sense of improvisation and spontaneity throughout. As the piece goes on, each idea is gradually developed into something more elaborate, and their respective passages become longer. A new ascending three-note motif arises from the quicker material and persists throughout the latter half of the piece. The music culminates in an extended quick passage but, just as the piece is drawing to a close, the slow material offers a brief interjection before it is brushed off with a final exclamatory statement of the three-note motif.
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