Census Time At The Zoo (1941)

Title reads: “Census time at the Zoo“. London Zoo, Regent’s Park. The keepers of Regents Park Zoo take their own census of the animals. C/U of a zoo keeper writing on a clipboard. Various shots of Polar and Brown Bears in their enclosures. M/S of keeper outside lions’ cage. C/U through the bars, of a lion eating meat. L/S of a large aviary. M/S of keeper outside the camels cage, cut to C/U of a camel’s face. Various shots of monkeys taken through the wire of the cage. The keeper is looking at the monkeys, the whole sequence is at double speed. C/U Comic sequence, natural sound w...here the keeper is searching for fleas with magnifying glass. He calls out names of fleas and ticks them off his list. M/S of the keeper going up to the cameraman in search of a lost flea named Oscar. Staged comic sequence. Various C/Us of a parrot on a keeper’s shoulder, the parrot is talking. Another keeper asks the bird census questions and pretends to write down parrot’s answers. FILM ID: A
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