【Eng Sub | 230928 Gong Jun Marie Claire 龚俊 嘉人】刚刚结束米兰行程的龚俊Simon 马不停蹄开启最新工作日常。 #gongjun #龚俊

Gong Jun, who had just finished his trip to Milan, started his latest work routine non-stop. Constantly updating world favourites collection. As a “super player,“ he talked about what he enjoys the most while chasing time & experiencing new while facing unknown existences. But don’t forget the most important things; sleep and rest to maintain the best state 刚刚结束米兰行程的龚俊Simon 马不停蹄开启最新工作日常。不断更新世界收藏夹,作为“超级玩家”,他告诉我们在追时间的路上他最享受的是面对未知存在的全新体验与经历;当然,也不要忘记最重要的睡眠与休息,这样才能保持最佳状态。 #龚俊 #龚俊Simon #龔俊 #gongjun #GongJun #SimonGong
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