Winter in Yakutia - Russia’s coldest region | Erick’s List

The latest episode of Erick’s List takes us to Yakutia. RT journalist Erick Zarate didn’t shy away from exploring Russia’s coldest region, where temperatures often hit -70C. Celebrating the New Year in the winter wonderland while learning more about the cultural heritage of its people – what a glorious idea! Yakutia, officially called the Republic of Sakha, is the largest Russian region that lies off the beaten path taken by most travellers. With its vast territory and extreme temperature changes, Yakutia is quite alluring and slightly intimidating. Populated by at least six indigenous peoples, it’s a hub of the Russian North’s ancient traditions, beliefs, and crafts. But travelling these parts on one’s own without the help of the local people – and local spirits! – would be extremely dangerous. Luckily, Erick enjoys a warm welcome from both and, clad in “unty“ (traditional deerskin boots), treated to some delicious herbal tea and armed with an assortment of good omens and a shaman’s blessing, hits the road.
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