Facebagel’s Intro to Didgeridoo Series Episode 5: ‘Ta Ka Ta Wa’ Rhythm

Welcome back to the Intro to Didgeridoo series with today’s lesson: Rhythm - ‘Ta Ka Ta Wâ’ Instrument played is the Sweet Birch in the key of D by Steven C. Bachmann of White Mountain Essence Didjeridu aka “Wedidj” Find more of his pieces here: Remember to stay relaxed and have fun🙌 Matthew Follow the Drone on Instagram: @facebagel @didgelifephilly Follow the Drone on TikTok: @didgetok @didgetok? — LESSON INFO — Like to take a deeper dive into the topics of the didgeridoo? Droning, Harmonics, Breathing?: Let’s do it! Email me at facebagelmusic@ and let’s get started🙌 #didgeridoo​#circularbreathing​#didgeridoolesson​ #DiaphramaticBreathing​#didjeridu​#aboriginal​#diaph
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