Hyperemesis / Sram – Proliferating Myositis / Untitled (full split)

Hyperemesis side 00:00 BUTYRIC FERMENTATION 00:44 DESTROY ALL MONSTERS (WARSORE) 01:50 HYPOCRISY (ENEMY SOIL) 02:36 FIBROTIC INTERSTITIAL PNEUMONIA 03:40 INHALED ASBESTOS FIBRES CAUSING INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS WITH THE RESULT OF PLEURAL FIBROSIS AND MALIGNANCIES Sram side 04:57 Vintovaya Mgla 05:51 Garazhi 06:35 Amputant 07:48 Krescheniye Govnom Send me an email if you are a member of one of these bands or if you run a label that was releasing this record if you want me to delete this video.
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