Ad Orientem. Facing East in the Traditional Latin Mass / Orientación al este en la Misa Tradicional

Ad Orientem. Orientation in the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) / La orientación en la Misa Tradicional Una Voce Federation has created a series of illustrative videos that show some of the most relevant aspects of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in order that more people can get to know and appreciate the richness of our Catholic Heritage If you want to learn more about the Traditional Latin Mass or Usus Antiquior you can visit our website where you will find several resources and information of one our member associations that are distributed around the world working to help promote and defend the TLM. AD ORIENTEM The Mass itself is not made for the people. St. Thomas says, defining the priesthood, that the priest must offer to God the sacrifice andprepare the people to attend it with dignity. How to prepare the people to attend with dignity that great mystery, which is the Mass? It is necessary for the Liturgy to reflect Heaven, to which people are called, and the holiness they have to cultiv
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