Mini-Truck (SE04 E08) Mini has a snow play date! She’s happy :). 4x4 deep snow action

We ended up getting 11” of snow here and Mini was begging to go out and play in it... so, yeah. Part links for the minitrucks: ​ ​ Get your keyfob, Merch at MiniTruck playlist ​ Hijet Climber Mini-truck, this one is a 1992, 7th Gen, S83P, 660cc Minitruck. The “climber” means it has rear axle lock. S83p specs: 660cc 6 valve 3 cyl engine 48-53hp carburated weight: 1500 lbs (dry) length 10’8“ (128“). width 4’6“ (54“) w/o mirrors. Height 5’10“ (70“) Load capacity 800 lbs Max Speed 55-60mph Valve lash cold: intake exhaust I know there may be other videos of this.. but this is my Cheezy style! Due to changing products, links, etc, If you want the most recent product links (if these are no good), go to and click the section you&#
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