The Demasoni Cichlid, Pseudotropheus demasoni - Demasoni malawi - african cichlids.
The Demasoni Cichlid, Pseudotropheus demasoni, is a relatively uncommon cichlid, which originates from a specific rocky point called Pombo Rocks, within the waters of Lake Malawi located in Tanzania, Africa. The male of this species has dark blue or black vertical stripes with alternating lighter stripes of light blue to white. The male Demasoni Cichlid also displays the typical spots on the anal fin, and is considerably larger than the female. The female of this species is not as brilliantly colored, and lack
...s the spots on the anal fin.
A large aquarium with plenty of caves and hiding places is ideal for these fish. An aragonite-based substrate is recommended in order to maintain the necessary high pH and alkalinity.
For best results in spawning, the males should be kept with at least three females. The female will spawn on a flat rock, and will take the unfertilized eggs into her mouth, and will follow closely behind the male until he releases the sperm to fertilize the eggs. The female will then incubate the eggs for approximately three weeks before releasing the fry. The fry can then be fed newly hatched brine shrimp, daphnia, or crushed flake food.
The Demasoni Cichlid needs to be fed vegetable-rich foods in the form of flake food, dried seaweed, and algae.Show more