Meat is a real art, and its preparation is a separate story. The ability to understand the types of steaks and the degrees of their roasting is a sign of good tone. Steak culture is traditionally strong in America, where a whole industry of meat aging and cooking has been built for a long time. Skirt Steak Machete is one of the most delicious and unusual steaks. It is cut from the diaphragm, so the steak has a very special taste. If we talk about the texture of the meat, it is tender, a little loose contains thin inclusions of marbled fat. This is the perfect grilled steak. If you cook it without overcooking it and cut it across the muscle fiber line when serving, you will get the most tender and juicy steak with an unforgettable meat aftertaste. A skirt steak, also known as a machete, is cut from a bull’s diaphragm - a thin fibrous part that separates the sternum from the peritoneum, which is conventionally divided into three parts. Since the diaphragm is located in such an actively working a
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