LaIllahaillAllah No One Worthy Of Worhsip Except Allah

La ilaha illa ’llah, Muhammadun-Rasulullah: For the Sufi, the most meaningful words in creation are “La ilaha illa ’llah, Muhammadun-Rasulullah.“ We claim unequivocally that this phrase is the Origin of all Knowledge, the Sun of all Meaning, the Source of all Truth, and Health, Warmth and Healing to the heart. Let’s examine the phrase in its two components, “La ilaha illa ’llah“, and “Muhammadun-Rasulullah“. Part 1. La ilaha illa ’llah “La ilaha illa ’llah“ is the essence of the matter, a simple but profound summary of the “Knowledge of God“. It is the essence (and practice) of the annihilation of falsehood. It is both a statement of Divine Truth, and a lesson on how to know it. It means that there IS ONLY Allah, and demonstrates that the quickest way to “know“ the Unity is to deny all else. “La“ means no, nothing, negating of what follows, indicating the negation of and implyi
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