20+ Sorting Algorithms Visualized - Disparity Chords (Reversed Inputs)

A Compilation of Sorting Algorithms handling reversed inputs - visualized with Disparity Chords Any ideas for interesting visuals? - tell me in the comments Featured algorithms: 00:00 Radix Sort 00:11 Merge Sort 00:31 Tim Sort 00:56 Gravity Sort 01:02 Odd Even Sort 01:40 Bubble Sort 01:50 Shell Sort 02:11 Shaker Sort 02:23 Heap Sort 02:42 Comb Sort 02:55 Gnome Sort 03:34 Cycle Sort 03:46 Counting Sort 03:56 Selection Sort 04:10 Double Selection Sort 04:19 Insertion Sort 04:32 Bucket Sort 04:39 Pigeonhole Sort 04:47 American Flag Sort 05:00 Quick Sort (Middle Pivot) 05:05 Quick Sort (Dual Pivot) 05:13 Bogo Sort
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