0603AQ4 Brics+ Has FINALLY Overtaken G7 In Global GDP, Brics+ is Dominating the Economic Plane xdziC

Welcome to AsianQuicktake! In this video, we discuss the shifting global economic landscape and the rise of the BRICS alliance. According to recent reports, BRICS countries, including China, Russia, and others, have surpassed the G7 in terms of global GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP). The BRICS alliance currently contributes 31.5% of global GDP, and projections indicate it will exceed 50% by 2030. The BRICS alliance’s proposed expansion is further accelerating this trend, attracting nations such as Iran and Argentina to formally submit applications for membership. In contrast, the G7, including the EU and the US, is facing challenges to its traditional power and influence. Factors contributing to this decline include growing distrust of US foreign policy, a desire for alternative trade blocs, perceptions of EU greed in global markets, and historical animosities from colonial legacies. The G7’s recent announcement of an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative seems moti
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