Kurzweil Forte Video Contest : novaXire - Are you ready to Shred?

Please like the video to vote for my song! 100% made with a Kurzweil PC3K8 Preset used : #111 Upright Growler #132 Piano Recital #424 Tremolo Flute #438 Lead Clarinet #971 WheelBowCello #1127 VeloSynced (from a Barb bank) #1357 Solo Violin Fast (cutom with distortion) #3228 Lazer Dub (from Kore 64) (2 tracks with 2 different settings) #3266 Wrap Sine Bass (Kore 64) #3370 High End Horns (Kore 64) #3372 Sax Sus-solo (Kore 64) #3393 Stereo Marimba (Kore 64) #Setup 5 #Setup 72 Nylon and Ivory #Kit 67 from Kor
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