Непальский филин/The Devil Bird- Forest Eagle Owl from Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has many legends, among them the story of the Devil Bird strikes fear among rural villagers. In Sri Lankan folklore, the Devil Bird or Ulama is a creature said to emit bloodcurdling human-sounding shrieks in jungles at night. It is believed that the cry of this bird is an omen that portends death. In reality, the sound is emitted from a very real and fascinating owl. The Forest Eagle Owl or Spot Bellied Eagle Owl. This is the largest species of owl in Sri Lanka, and is seen very rarely during the daytime. We were very lucky to spot this owl while on safari in Wilpattu National Park. These owls are massive standing over feet tall when perched. They feed on large prey such as birds, mammals and reptiles. They are even known to hunt and prey on large monkeys. It is such a pleasure to see such a mystical bird while on safari.
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