Greenland Whalefishers - Waiting for the world Full Concert Movie (official music video ) irish punk

Join celtic punk band Greenland Whalefishers as a fly on the wall in this full concert movie filmed live at the bands private rehearsal studio in Bergen Norway on February the 6th 2021 in High Quality HD. Greenland Whalefishers is an irish punk band from Bergen Norway who celebrated their 25 years anniversary in 2019 with a new studio album and tours.“a solid slab of heavily Pogues influenced Celtic Punk“ -- Shite N’ Onions Greenland Whalefishers started out in Bergen Norway in 1994, long before anyone had heard of bands like Flogging Molly or Dropkick Murphys. Combining british punk with celtic folk influences, the band soon became one of the most interesting post-pogues bands . Almost two decades of touring all around the world, releasing ten full length albums, piles of singles and EPs and an uncountable number of split-releases, contributing with music to the movie “Boondock Saints -- All Saints Day“, etc. places the underground folk punkers in Greenland Whalefishers as one of the worlds most credible cel
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