🌼 WeekEnd Practice 🌼 Session 1: Saturday Morning (60 Min)
1. Session of the 🌼 WeekEnd Practice 🌼 with Shi Heng Yi. This is the full 60 minute recording that took place on 08. May 2021 from the Shaolin Temple Europe. Please feel free to watch the video in case you didn’t had the opportunity to participate in the session.
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Shi Heng Yi belongs to the 35th Generation of Shaolin Masters and is the headmaster of the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺 located in Germany.
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There’s a final point for all of these practices:
Increase your life quality: Get less sick, Regenerate faster, Improve your vitality, Increase your health! Better sleep, less anxiety, more joy!
Enjoy your training!
#ShaolinTempleEurope #ShiHengYi #LiveSession
3 months ago 00:16:13 1
hi, i made some frogs for your desktop
5 months ago 00:00:11 1
🌼 Bon Week-end #weekend #animals #cute #banana
6 months ago 00:12:54 2
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