Allied advance in Italy pushes through Cassino (1944)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Smokescreens obscure troop movements, and more German prisoners are taken as the Allied advance in Italy continues through Cassino Full Description: ITALY: Cassino: EXT MILITARY BRITISH. Offensive on screen delousing SMOKE SCREENS ETC. Br: lay smoke screen Cassino, Italy World War Two, World War II, WWII, Second World War, war, Allies, Axis, Italian Campaign, The French Expeditionary Corps, Fifth Army, The Battle of Monte Cassino, the Battle for Rome Background: Smokescreens obscure troop movements, and more German prisoners are taken as the Allied advance in Italy continues through Cassino FILM ID: VLVABQTIHQC4RMAG6HI1CBH7IU2CA To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed b
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