Yoshiharu Osaka. How to fudo dachi.

SÖCHIN: IMPORTANT POINTS In Sochin we find grandeur, strength and stable power. So much use is made of the solidly stable rooted stance (fudõ-dachi) that the stance is often referred to as the Sõchin stance. When defense is called for, the rooted stance provides a strong basis for resisting attacks from the front, the rear or either side. The characteristics of the kata are manifested best when it is performed slowly. thereby bringing out a certain awe- someness and power. The relatively slow pace means that muscles are often brought very gradually from a state of full relaxation to full tension. Some move- ments, however, require an instantaneous production of muscular power. One of the benefits of the kata is the nurturing of a keen sense of timing that allows re- peated attacks without giving the opponent time for a counterattack. A great deal of karate skill can be fostered by these magnificent techniques, which help to develop the imperturbability of mind necessary for the way of the martial arts and f
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