„The rise of a new dawn. Everything becomes clear as a warm wind of hope.“
The first piece on our album Meraki has its own video now. “SUKHA“ means happiness, pleasure or joy, and it’s one of the most popular songs on the album. We composed the piece together, which makes it very special for us, and it’s one we love very much for its ethereal and peaceful atmosphere.
The video for Sukha was already born during our crowdfunding campaign almost a year ago. Thank you to everyone who supported us!
Shot by Vivek Advani ()
Edited by Karlijn Langendijk ()
Sound by TheEmU Audio-Mastering ()
Playing guitars from Christina Kobler (Karlijn) and Ekrem Özkarpat (Ladislav)
You can stream this song on all platforms like Spotify:
Also available on the duo guitar album “Meraki“:
Karlijn’s YouTube Channel:
More about Karlijn:
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