Pi’s Lullaby. (Life Of Pi).
Special Mychael Danna.
01.- 00:00:00 - Orphans.
02.- 00:01:27 - First Night, First Day.
03.- 00:05:12 - Meeting Krishna.
04.- 00:06:49 - God Storm.
05.- 00:10:29 - The Whale.
06.- 00:12:06 - Pi’s Lullaby.
07.- 00:15:45 - Tiger Vision.
08.- 00:19:53 - Back To The World.
09.- 00:28:13 - I’m Ready Now.
10.- 00:31:16 - Set Your House In Order.
11.- 00:33:25 - Which Story Do You Prefer?.
12.- 00:35:15 - Pi And Richard Parker.
13.- 00:37:26 - The Island.
14.- 00:39:09 - The Second Story.
15.- 00:43:09 - Tsimtsum.
16.- 00:45:39 - Skinny Vegetarian Boy.
17.- 00:47:54 - Piscine Molitor Patel.
18.- 00:51:21 - Leaving India.
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