EXECUTION of Ans Van Dijk - Bestial Jewish NAZI Collaborator Suspected of Betraying ANNE FRANK

Execution of Ans Van Dijk - Bestial Jewish Nazi Collaborator Suspected of Betraying Anne Frank. The 10th of May, 1940, World War 2, the Netherlands. Nazi Germany invades Holland and the German Air Forces – the Luftwaffe – use paratroopers in the capture of tactical points and to assist in the advance of ground troops across the country. The invasion is accompanied by heavy aerial bombardment of Rotterdam and culminates on the 14th of May with the destruction of its entire historic center. Because the Germans threaten to bomb the city of Utrecht in the same way, the Dutch forces surrender one day later. Soon after the Nazis start to occupy the whole country and pass new anti-Jewish laws which are designed to exclude Jewish people from society and restrict their livelihood. The systematic deportations of Dutch Jews to death camps start in July 1942. Many Jews go into hiding but the possibility of their survival is reduced by the presence of “Jew-hunters” who are tempted by the lure of monetary rewards. One such
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