Frosty Faustings X: Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code Top 8 Finals [1080p/60fps] (TIMESTAMP)

Frosty Faustings is one of the largest winter fighting game majors in America! In just 2 days, it will host 30 official tournaments, 1000 gamers, representing over 10 countries and thousands of viewers across 6 streams. Check out our full games list at ! Brackets available at 0:30 Boldstrike (Riesbyfe) vs Nemmori (Neco and Mech) 9:23 WYSLM ScrawtVermillion (Sion) vs AdelheidEarth () 19:10 GRITS Derrick (Mech Hisui) vs GHQ Aki (Aoko) 27:59 Duckator (Hisui) vs Airco (Neco and Mech) 36:26 Naominori (Neco and Mech) vs WYSLM ScrawtVermillion (Sion) 43:55 GHQ Aki (Mech Hisui) vs AdelheidEarth (...) 51:45 Boldstrike (Riesbyfe) vs Airco (Neco and Mech) 59:45 UGL Boldstrike (Riesbyfe) vs AdelheidEarth () 1:07:45 AdelheidEarth () vs Naominori (Neco and Mech) 1:23:41 WYSLM ScrawtVermillion (Sion) vs AdelheidEarth () €
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