LenovoT450s Supervisor Bios Password Unlocked

If you’re looking to unlock or reset the Supervisor BIOS password on a Lenovo ThinkPad T450s, here are a few steps you could try: 1. **Contact Lenovo Support:** If you’re the legitimate owner of the laptop, contacting Lenovo’s official support might be the best option. They might be able to provide you with a master password or other assistance to help unlock the BIOS. 2. **Proof of Ownership:** If you’re not the legitimate owner, remember that attempting to unlock a device that isn’t yours without proper authorization is considered unethical and potentially illegal. Always make sure you have the right to access the system in question. 3. **Reset BIOS Settings:** If you have legitimate access to the system but have forgotten the BIOS password, you could try resetting the BIOS settings to their default values. This might involve physically opening the laptop and locating the CMOS battery or a reset jumper. Please note that this might not work on all laptops, and perform
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