Yu Narukami meme but featuring Dante from Devil may cry (greenscreen)

my twitter was hacked and suspended, so... follow my second account: @handydandymand1 mini tutorial so that comments aren’t filled with “how can i make this“: -download mmd (Miku miku dance) -download your models by looking for ’model name’ (without the quotes) and mmd 3d model so for example: dante mmd 3d model -download yu’s dance and camera at (can’t provide codes here thats something you need to do for yourself) (oh and the xip file one is yu’s first person, that one i can say) -go to mmd and go to file-load motion data select the camera movment -then go to the bottom right of the actua...l 3d model screen and select go to model, extract your model, then go to file-load motion data again and select the actual “dance“ file then look for ’select all’ at the bottom and press it - (we’re almost there) now look at the left of the screen and you see bone/frame manipulation? then see the num
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