The Noblegarden 2023 event in Wotlk Classic is the perfect time to start working towards getting your Violet Proto-Drake, watch this video to learn how!
🐰Jerome’s Noblegarden Guide:
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0:00 - 0:23 why do this event
0:23 - 0:29 where to go first
0:29 - 1:39 The great egg hunt
1:39 - 1:45 I found one
1:45 - 1:57 Chocoholic
1:57 - 2:13 a Blushing Bri
2:13 - 2:34 Desert Rose
2:34 - 2:58 Shake your Bunny Maker
2:58 - 3:18 Noblegarden
3:18 - 3:49 Springfling
3:49 -Show more