Cordyceps Sinensis Vs Militaris: How Do They Differ?
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In today’s video, explores the differences and benefits of two vital cordyceps species. We’ll be answering some frequently asked questions and helping you to decide which is better and safer for you.
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••••••••••••••• Cordyceps Sinensis Vs Militaris: How Do They Differ? •••••••••••••••
✅ Cordyceps Militaris
Cordyceps Militaris is a vital ingredient in Tibetan traditional medicine, it is a cheaper alternative to Ophiocordiceps Sinensis as they possess similar benefits. Although they both have similar qualities due to the cordycepin and adenosine derivatives contained within, each of them also has its specific benefits. Cordyceps Militaris contains CMP-18, a highly toxic protein that prevents it from being eaten raw. However, the protein is denatured by heat, therefore adding the fungus to cooked meals does not result in fatality.
It is cultivated with the aid of silkworm pupae. The orangish-red fruiting body of Cordyceps Militaris grows from the host after being parasitized. The pupae are usually found underground, giving the illusion that the mushrooms are growing from below.
✅ Cordyceps Sinensis
Ophiocordiceps Sinensis formerly known as cordyceps Sinensis is made up of two parts a stroma and a fungal Endo sclerotium. Popularly known as the caterpillar fungus, it is an essential part of traditional Chinese medicine. The mushroom’s numerous health benefits can be attributed to the presence of the compound cordycepin in the fungus.
Wild cordyceps Sinensis rely heavily on caterpillars to grow and reach maturity. It takes over the host caterpillar and mummifies it while extracting all the nutrients from its body. Once the caterpillar is dead, a thin stalk emerges from the host, known as the fruiting body. The growth of Ophiocordiceps Sinensis requires infection of the host with the spores of the species. It is activated by the chemicals on the caterpillar, resulting in the growth of mycelium in the host. However, due to the increased demand for the fungus, researchers formulated a way to produce the supplement in the lab.
✅ How Do They Differ?
Ophiocordiceps Sinensis has been found to have a direct impact on male reproduction. It has a stimulatory effect on Leydig cells in the male reproductive system. That’s the cell responsible for the spermatogenesis process, increasing the number of sperm and improving fertility. In traditional medicine, Cordyceps Sinensis has been frequently used as a treatment for kidney disease. A significant number of individuals who had chronic kidney disease, and were not on dialysis, showed a marked reduction in their serum creatinine level after consuming the wonderful cordyceps Sinensis supplement.
On the other hand, Cordyceps Militaris stands out in the pharmacological field due to its immunomodulatory effects. This simply means that the fungus mimics the ability to stimulate or suppress the immune system which helps the body fight diseases, infections, and certain tumorous cancers. The bioactive compounds of Cordyceps Militaris have different effects on the immune system and will modify its response towards the different immune system types. It also helps promotes healthy sleep schedules.
Both species of mushroom also possess similar benefits for Blood Pressure, diabetes, and cancer. They also have Anti-Aging effects and help in Increasing Energy levels in the body. Hey there! Allow us to recommend a powerful superfood that would be excellent for your all-around health. You need to check out Lion’s mane, it possesses similar health benefits to cordyceps and much more. Don’t know what lion’s mane is, you can check our other videos.
➤ Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Nature’s Rise channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider.
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