Ultimate Darkeater Midir Boss Guide - All Attacks explained - Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City

The optional boss of Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City gives players around the world a hard time. I explain all his attacks and what you can do against them in this ultimate in-depth boss guide. Obviously this video contains spoilers. Weapons used: Uchigatana 10 Zweihänder 10 Black Knight Greataxe 4 Additional hints: - Pestilent Mercury or Pestilent Mist does damage based on the amount of health of an enemy (% of max HP damage), so it’s quite good against Midir (thanks for the hint McNugget Slam and McPixel) - Increasing the Camera Speed to 8-10 can also help a lot (thanks to ) ###### Spoiler Section ##### The Darkeater Midir boss fight in DaS3 can be a quite difficult, but if you understand some of his attacks and what you can do about it, he becomes quite easy. You have to beat the Dragon on the bridge after the Shared Grave bonfire first. After that you can reach Midir and his boss room through the secret passage inside the elevator “shaft“ at the Ringed Inner Wall bonfire shortcut. Th
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